The Voice of IoT. October 2020
Smart waste management is a logical consequence of our large experience in IT and interest in cleantech.
What originally started as an on-demand solution for a Slovak town Nitra – that time a pioneer in the deployment of underground bins – has managed to become a global project operating in nearly 60 countries. Sensoneo provides end-to-end smart waste management solutions designed and developed in-house and produced in Europe.
Martin Basila. CEO & Founder. Sensoneo. Slovakia
Sensorics, IoT and HW design are the fields where Sensoneo feels fully competent and very strong.
We have chosen waste management as our primary focus because we find it to be one of the most promising markets, full of opportunities helping the industry on their way towards efficiency and transparency. In terms of operations, there have been no significant innovations made in the last 30 years, waste is usually still managed the same way. Currently available technologies and IoT networks make data-driven management accessible for a large group of customers, whether they are cities, waste management professionals, or private companies.
Reliable and accurate data is a very powerful tool and combined with applications enabling optimization and automation, it can immediately lead to amazing results.
Transparent waste streams, dynamic waste collection, savings on time and cost, optimized routes, frequencies and vehicle loads, fair pay-as-you-throw programs… All of these are valuable and tangible daily benefits. Replacing the old way with the smart one requires clear vision and bold decision, which is sometimes a bit tricky especially for cities, where every step needs to be approved on several levels. Readiness for change and willingness to innovate is critical and we are happy to see smart waste management strategy becoming an integral part of cities' smart strategy.
This is the future
Switching to more sustainable waste management is not only a trend, but it is also a clearly stated goal already reflected in the upcoming regulations. Cities and businesses are searching for tools to support them get aligned with these strategies. As technologists, we believe in accuracy of data and automation.